The classroom deskchair is intuitive and easy to use; it's a chair, and a desk. You sit on chairs, you put stuff on desks, you deposit things in the basket
The desk is rather small and compact, making it good for 6x5 desk configuration in smaller classroom.
The classroom desk chair is very uncomfortable.The desk is small, hardly enough space for a typical textbook, terrible for notetaking. It is very uncomfortable for larger people to sit on it, as there is a bar on the side that clips unto larger individuals.
The deskchair is intended to cramp small classrooms for efficient spacing. Forseeable risks would be kids tripping over schoolbags or the tables themselves in the event of a fire, or other evacuation events.
It is ugly. 1/10. The deskchair is most likely made from the cheapest material available, plastic, and a steel frame. I make the assumption of cheap materials because you will never find the classroom deskchair in any other context. Let's be real, most governments cheap out on school facilities.
At most there MAY be a hazard sign. How hard can it be to figure out how to use a chair?